T e e n a g e r....
Vocabulary about teens
1.Early teens aged 13to17years.
2.Late adolescence to age17to21 years old วัยรุ่นตอนปลายอายุตั้งเเต่17ถึง21ปี
3.Teens วัยรุ่น
4. Lnfancy วัยทารก
5. Old วัยชรา
6.problems ปัญหา
7. Cause สาเหตุ
8. Editing guidelines
9. Age อายุ
10.rape ถูกข่มขืน
12.preghant ตั้งครรภ์
13.Defense unkhowไม่รู้จักป้องกัน
Characteristics of adolescents
-period of problems.
-lnterested in the opposite sex.
-stock to your friends.
The problem with most teenagers
1.Family problems
2.the probleme of friendship.
3.Drug problems
4.Life in society
5. Pregnancy problems
Family problems
The cause of the problem.
1. The quarrel within the family.
2. We have no spare time.
3. A divorce
5. Parents have a new man
Editing guidelines
1. Do not quarrel
2. Consulting
4.Forcing talk
5.Listen to the problem
Community issues
The cause of the problem.
1. Adults do the bad behavior
2. Moonlighting
3. Lack of legal
4.Not generous
Editing guidelines
1.Not in society at risk
2. Do not fall into the wrong values
3.Have faith in what we are doing
4.Goal setting,life
Pregnancy problems
The cause of the problem.
1.want warmth
2. Drinking alcohol
3. Want to take care fo people
4.Lack of consciousness
5.Disobeying parents
Editing guidelines
1. Not to go out at night
2.put the condom
3. Do not drink intoxicant
4.Not voluptuous dress
5.Do not go anywhere alone.
Drug problems
The cause of the problem
1. Want to try
2. According friend
3. Solicitation from other people.
4. By cheap trick
5. Caused by the environment
6. Curious Editing guidelines
1. Not curious to try
2. Do not trust strangers
3. Not according to my friends in the Wrong way.
5. Avoidance of vices
The problem of friendship
The cause of the problem
2.Little friends
3.EScape school.
4. Lack of conscious ness
5. Lacl of confidence from afield.
Editing guidelines
1. Forcing talk
2. Adapt to other people.
3. Seeing the world in a good way.
4. Don't believe people easy.